
Nitrate nitrogen transport with denitrifying conditions in unsaturated Ando soilwas investigated. At first, the experiment of nitrate nitrogen transport was carried out in the artificial rain using the vertical column filled up with Ando soil. Simulated rainfall dissolving nitrate nitrogen and organic carbon was sprayed on the top of column and nitrate nitrogenc oncentrations of soil solution at some depth points were measured. From the experimentalr esults, denitrificationp rocessw as detected. Next, the experimentarl esultsw ere simulatedu sing one-dimensionanl umerical model, which described denitrification process based on Monodtype kinetics. Simulated results of denitrification process had good agreements with experimental results. Moreover, it was distinct that the activity of denitrifing bacteria from soil surface up to the 10 cm depth point was the highest in the Ando soil column.

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