
This paper presents one-dimensional numerical simulations and analytical modeling of ideal (only diffusion current and only Auger-1 and radiative recombination) InAs nBn detectors having n-type barrier layers, with donor concentrations ranging from 1.8×1015 to 2.5×1016 cm-3. We examine quantitatively the three space charge regions in the nBn detector with an n-type barrier layer (BL), and determine criteria for combinations of bias voltage and BL donor concentration that allow operation of the nBn with no depletion region in the narrow-gap absorber layer (AL) or contact layer (CL). We determine the quantitative characteristics of the valence band barrier that is present for an n-type BL. From solution of Poisson’s equation in the uniformly doped BL, we derive analytical expressions for the valence band barrier heights versus bias voltage for holes in both the AL and the CL. These expressions show that the VB barrier height varies linearly with the BL donor concentration and as the square of the BL width. Using these expressions, we constructed a phenomenological equation for the dark current density versus bias voltage which agrees reasonably well with the shape of the J(V) curves from numerical simulations. Our simulations suggest that the nBn detector should be able to be operated at or near zero-bias voltage.

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