
This is the third (and the last) code in a collection of three programs [Sokolovski et al. (2011), Akhmatskaya et al. (2014)] dedicated to the analysis of numerical data, obtained in an accurate simulation of an atom-diatom chemical reaction. Our purpose is to provide a detailed description of a FORTRAN code for complex angular momentum (CAM) analysis of the resonance effects in reactive angular scattering [for CAM analysis of integral reactive cross sections see [Akhmatskaya et al. (2014)]. The code evaluates the contributions of a Regge trajectory (or trajectories) to a differential cross section in a specified range of energies. The contribution is computed with the help of the methods described in [Dobbyn et al. (1999), Sokolovski and Msezane (2004), Sokolovski et al. (2007)]. Regge pole positions and residues are obtained by analytically continuing S-matrix element, calculated numerically for the physical integer values of the total angular momentum, into the complex angular momentum plane using the PADE_II program [Sokolovski et al. (2011)]. The code represents a reactive scattering amplitude as a sum of the components corresponding to a rapid “direct” exchange of the atom, and the various scenarios in which the reactants form long-lived intermediate complexes, able to complete several rotations before breaking up into products. The package has been successfully tested on the representative models, as well as the F + H2→ HF+H benchmark reaction. Several detailed examples are given in the text. Program summaryProgram title:DCS_ReggeCPC Library link to program files:https://doi.org/10.17632/gf4gm82n6m.1Licensing provisions: GPLv3Programming language:FORTRAN 90Supplementary material:PADE_II, MPFUN and QUADPACK packages, validation suites, script files, input files, readme files, Installation and User GuideNature of problem: The package extracts the positions and residues of resonance poles from numerical scattering data supplied by the user. This information is then used for the analysis of resonance structures observed in reactive differential cross sections.Solution method: The S-matrix element is analytically continued in the complex plane of either energy or angular momentum with the help of Padé approximation of type II. Resonance Regge trajectories are identified and their contributions to a differential cross section are evaluated at different angles and energies.Additional comments including restrictions and unusual features: Use of multiple precision MPFUN package.

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