
Holographic printers based on holographic stereograms are constantly gaining popularity. A holographic stereogram is recorded using 2D images of the 3D object or scene that are captured from multiple perspectives. Separation of capture and recording steps as well as checking of quality of the achieved 3D representation requires replaying of the composed holographic stereogram by computer. This paper presents a simulator which, as a first step, builds a full parallax holographic stereogram from the perspective images and, as a second step, reconstructs the hologram numerically for any viewer location by using a reconstruction algorithm proposed in the paper. To check the performance of the simulator we made a holographic stereogram of a test 3D object from images acquired by a virtual re-centering camera which was translated along a virtual camera track and compared the result from the numerical reconstruction with the optical reconstruction from the printed holographic stereogram of the same object. Open image in new window

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