
The cost of implementing new technology in aeropropulsion systems is becoming prohibitively expensive. One of the main contributors to the high cost is the need to perform many large scale hardware tests. The NASA Lewis Research Center is developing the technologies required to enable simulations of full aeropropulsion systems in sufficient detail to resolve critical design issues early in the design process before hardware is built. The project, called the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS), is focused on the integration of multiple disciplines such as aerodynamics, structures and heat transfer with computing and communication technologies to capture complex physical processes in a timely and cost-effective manner. The vision for NPSS is to be a numerical test cell that enables full engine simulation overnight on cost-effective computing platforms. There are several key elements within NPSS that are required to achieve this capability: 1) clear data interfaces through the development and/or use of data exchange standards, 2) modular and flexible program construction through the use of object-oriented programming, 3) integrated multi-level of complexity analysis techniques that capture the appropriate physics at the appropriate fidelity for the engine systems, 4) multidisciplinary coupling techniques and finally 5) high performance parallel and distributed computing. The current state of development in these five areas is reported in this paper with special focus on the National Cycle Program (NCP). Recent accomplishments include the development of an industry-standard engine cycle analysis program NCP, software tools that enabled a factor 10 reduction in the time to perform a coupled aerodynamic/structural analysis of a compressor blade and application and system software that resulted in an overnight aerodynamic simulation of an advanced high pressure compressor. The NPSS Project is supported under the NASA High Performance Computing and Communications Program and the Aeronautics RT 2) integrated system analysis to couple subsystems, and components at an appropriate level of modeling fidelity (Zooming) (see Figure 2); 3) a high performance computing platform composed of a variety of architectures, including distributed heterogeneous parallel processors, to provide the required computing speed at reasonable cost; and 4) a simulation environment that minimizes the time the designer and analyst spend processing large amounts of data so more time can be invested in finding creative solutions to problems. DATA EXCANGE STANDARDS Clear data exchange standards are necessary to develop the integrated simulation system approach proposed for NPSS. The approach taken by NPSS is to work closely with national and international standards organizations to implement existing standards within NPSS, expand standards as required and develop new standards when necessary. The standards currently be worked on run a broad spectrum from 1-D to 3-D engineering standards to software standards. Figure 1. Multidisciplinary Simulation of Propulsion Systems UHVEL1: ONE DIMENSIONAL STEADY-STATE On* Otneratoral Engine 8ymm Aralytl* LEVEL 2: ONE DIMENSIONAL TRANSIENT On. BMMtond Traiihnt Enfnt Sy«t»m Andytto LEVEL3: AXKYMMETR1OTWO DIMENSIONAL ,-> QUASt-STEADY-STATE LEVEL 4: THREE DIMENSIONAL QUASt-STEADY-STATE Thr» Bigta Coupon** An LEVELS: THREE DIMENSIONAL TRANSIENT Tim Dim P Ci> BMjiB

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