
The problem of a two-dimensional planing flat plate is studied using a nonlinear CFD solver for varying Froude number and angle of attack. This work extends several classical works, which typically use potential-flow assumptions and either assume linear free-surface and body boundary conditions or ignore gravitational effects. In the current study, the effects of viscosity and free-surface nonlinearity are studied via quasi-steady CFD calculations. The objective is to determine the regimes in which the linearized potential-flow assumptions become invalid and nonlinear methods must be used. The results show that nonlinear and viscous effects are important when the angle of attack is greater than approximately 10° and when the Froude number based on the initial immersed length is lower than 0.8. In addition, the unsteadiness limit due to wave breaking is found to occur for a nearly constant immersion-based Froude number of approximately 2.75.

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