
The paper deals with numerical prediction of laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes in confined flow between rotating and stationary discs. For the laminar and transitional flows, a spectral tau-Chebyshev method associated with a multistep time scheme is used. This approach allows accurate prediction of the two laminar regimes mentioned by Daily and Nece (1960) in their experimental studies. For the geometry under consideration (1/11 aspect ratio), the transition to unsteady motion occurs abruptly without any oscillatory behavior. Thus, the instabilities develop in a region localized near the external shroud, primarily along the stator side, according with experimental findings. For calculating turbulent flow regimes, one point second-order transport modeling has been implemented in a finite volume code. The superiority of advanced Reynolds stress transport models over the classical k−ε model is decisive for predicting such a complex flow. This is particularly important in order to get a precise delineation of the adjacent turbulent and relaminarized regions within the cavity. This level of closure was crucial to produce numerical results in good agreement with experimental data.

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