
Thermochemical Packed-Bed (TPB) reformer has been substantially studiedin the past years as a promising equipment to investigate thethermochemical conversion of methane (CH4). This work has as mainobjective a theoretical modelling to describe the process variables of SteamReforming of Methane (SRM) method in the TPB reformer. The TPBreformer is filled with β-SiC open-cell foam where the thermochemicalconversion of CH4 is carried out. The model variables describe the specificaims of work and these objectives can be identified from each equation ofthe developed mathematical model. This work has been proposed to studytwo specific aims as (i) the effective thermal conductivity's effect of thesolid phase (λs,eff.) and (ii) molar flows of chemical components. Theendothermic reaction temperature's profiles are notably increased as thenumeral value of λs,eff. is raised. The Steam Reforming of Methane (SRM)method is suggested to improve the Production Rate (PR) of H2 regardingthe PR of CO. As results, the PR of H2 is of 29.48% while the PR of CO isof 2.76%.

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