
This study presents the possible and effective output signals for the feedback vibration control of the smart blade section undergoing different aerodynamic conditions. Equations of motions of the smart blade section are described by a typical wing section model, leading to three vibration modes (flapwise mode, edgewise mode, and torsional mode). The aerodynamics is described by an unsteady aerodynamic model and aerodynamic effects of the microtab installed on the trailing-edge of the blade section. The equations of the aeroservoelastic model are summarized into state-space equation for analysis of output choice in the feedback system. All vibration modes are proved to be fully controllable with the microtab actuation. The numerical results show that the most effective output signal is the combination of flapwise velocity and torsional velocity for the system undergoing the attached flow and the combination of all three-mode velocities for the system undergoing the stall flow. In addition, the output choice for different microtab configurations is also analyzed. The effectiveness of the proposed output signals in vibration control is confirmed by the simulation results.

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