
Experimental studies have highlighted the existence of additional sources of sound due to temperature fluctuations in heated jets, in comparison with unheated jets. Whereas cold jets have been the subject of many numerical investigations, little research has been devoted to the topic of hot jets. Thus, a specific model to investigate the acoustic radiation from these jets based on numerical predictions wing a k-e turbulence closure is attempted. First, a model for the additional source term is suggested, which is a function of mean axial velocity, mean temperature, and turbulent kinetic energy. Next a computation model of acoustic intensity spectrum is developed in which three different contributions appear: The first represents the contribution of the velocity fluctuations in the sound emission, the second that of the temperature fluctuations, and the third a mixed term issuing from the two preceding contributions. Then the model is applied to compute the acoustic radiation of hot jets. Results provided quite a full description of the acoustic features of a hot jet: spectrum shape, radiated acoustic intensity levels, and influence of jet temperature. Finally, the model seemed capable of predicting the trends in noise radiation of turbulent hot jets correctly.

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