
In the present work, a computer simulation program generates Fresnel diffraction patterns from small-size apertures using illumination wavelengths from extreme ultraviolet (XUV) to the visible region suggesting that it can be used to model a wide range of experimental setups. By being able to simulate diffraction patterns for such a broad range of wavelengths, the program can be used to investigate the effects of varying wavelengths and aperture size on the resulting pattern. By using a computer simulation program that can generate Fresnel diffraction patterns across a wide range of wavelengths, one can explore how different wavelengths of light interact with various aperture sizes. This allows one to investigate the effects of changing these parameters on the resulting diffraction pattern. The computer simulation program generating Fresnel diffraction patterns from square apertures by using the illumination wavelength sources from XUV to the visible region has been studied. Changing the aperture-screen distance, the illumination wavelength, and the aperture size provides a clear transition of diffraction patterns from the Fresnel to the Fraunhofer region. The diffraction patterns obtained by the Fresnel integral method have been compared with that simulated by the Fraunhofer calculation. There is a good agreement between the results. The structural similarity index (SSI) exhibits that comparing the diffraction images produced with both approaches agree.

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