
Numerical studies of passive scalars in three-dimensional (3D) periodic box turbulence have often used arbitrary scalar forcing schemes to sustain the variance. These existing methods represent certain flow configurations, but they have not been derived using specific velocity and scalar profiles. In this work, a forcing technique is devised to generate centerline scalar mixing of round jets in a triply periodic box. It is derived from the scalar transport equation using a Reynolds-like decomposition of the scalar field. The equation is closed by applying the known mean velocity and scalar profiles of axisymmetric jets. The result is a combination of a mean gradient term and a linear scalar term. Direct numerical simulations at different Reλ have been performed with these source terms for unity Schmidt numbers. Scalar flux values and scaling exponents of energy spectra from simulations are comparable to experimental values. In addition, a dimensional analysis shows that the normalized scalar statistics, such as variance, flux, and dissipation rate, should only be a function of Reynolds number; indeed, such quantities computed from our simulations approach constant values as the Reynolds number increases. The effects of velocity forcing on scalar fields are also investigated; changing velocity forcing terms may result in unstable scalar fields even under the same scalar forcing. It may indicate that an appropriate relation between the velocity and scalar forcing schemes can help producing a proper scalar mixing environment.

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