
The main aim of the present work is to investigate the role of the Maxwell stress tensor in the study of active materials. Despite the importance of this tensor in modeling mechatronic devices used in sophisticated applications, its non–symmetry still generates controversies in the literature, probably because classical continuum mechanics assumes a symmetric Cauchy stress, although the sum of Cauchy and Maxwell stresses is non–symmetric. In the framework of generalised continuum mechanics–a more advanced formalism than the classical one–, each material point has an associated microstructure so that the micro–rotations of the electric/magnetic dipoles present in real active materials may be simulated. To this end, a modified total stress formulation, including an angular momentum balance, is developed and implemented into a finite element research code using a complex–step formulation. It is concluded that generalised mechanics allows for incorporating both symmetric and non–symmetric contributions of the Maxwell tensor. Consequently, the rotations generated by the electromagnetic field may be analysed. The influence of the complete Maxwell tensor in a magnetostrictive actuator is studied by several magneto–mechanical numerical experiments of a Terfenol–D rod encircled by air, and several conclusions are highlighted.

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