
Consider a bounded two dimensional domain R with boundary aR. Applications which involve processing R include approximation. numerical integration and the numer(cal solution of partial differential equations. In each case the geometric information of Rand aR must be put into a data structure (either implicitly or explicitly) as an initial phase of the problem solution. This paper presents one approach to this problem based on overlaying R by a rectangular grid. R is assumed to be defined by parameterization of pieces of an plus an orientation. Specific representations of this information are given and a dala structure presented which is convenient for using the geometric inrormation in various applications. An algorithm to produce this iniormation is given in a companion paper, AlgDrithm: A Two Dimension Domain Processor; various special techniques or the algorithm are described. The application to numerical integration is discussed in some detail. Thls 1I'ork 11'89 supported in part by NSF grant MC8-7926396 and DOE contract DE-AC026IERI099?

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