
The goal of this work is to give a precise numerical description of the Kahler cone of a compact Kahler manifold. Our main result states that the Kahler cone depends only on the intersection form of the cohomology ring, the Hodge structure and the homology classes of analytic cycles: if X is a compact Kahler manifold, the Kahler cone K of X is one of the connected components of the set P of real (1, 1)-cohomology classes {α} which are numerically positive on analytic cycles, i.e. � Y α p > 0 for every irreducible analytic set Y in X, p = dim Y. This result is new even in the case of projective manifolds, where it can be seen as a generalization of the well-known Nakai-Moishezon criterion, and it also extends previous results by Campana-Peternell and Eyssidieux. The principal technical step is to show that every nef class {α} which has positive highest self-intersection numberX α n > 0 contains a Kahler current; this is done by using the Calabi-Yau theorem and a mass concentration technique for Monge-Ampere equations. The main result admits a number of variants and corollaries, including a description of the cone of numerically effective (1, 1)-classes and their dual cone. Another important consequence is the fact that for an arbitrary deformation X → S of compact Kahler manifolds, the Kahler cone of a very general fibre Xt is independent of t, i.e. invariant by parallel transport under the (1, 1)-component of the Gauss-Manin connection.

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