
We complete the analysis of part I in this series [S. Stotyn et. al.,Phys. Rev. D 89, 044017 (2014)] by numerically constructing boson stars in $2+1$ dimensional Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant, minimally coupled to a complex scalar field. These lower dimensional boson stars have strikingly different properties than their higher dimensional counterparts, most noticeably that there exists a finite central energy density, above which an extremal Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole forms. In this limit, all of the scalar field becomes enclosed by the horizon; it does not contract to a singularity, but rather the origin remains smooth and regular and the solution represents a spinning boson star trapped inside a degenerate horizon. Additionally, whereas in higher dimensions the mass, angular momentum, and angular velocity all display damped harmonic oscillations as functions of the central energy density, in $D=3$ these quantities change monotonically up to the bound on the central energy density. Some implications for the holographic dual of these objects are discussed and it is argued that the boson star and extremal BTZ black hole phases are dual to a spontaneous symmetry breaking at zero temperature but finite energy scale.

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