
AbstractThe work is devoted to the problem of maintaining near-resonant oscillations of a technological vibration machine with self-synchronizing unbalance vibration exciters under conditions of a variable technological load on its working body. A planar model of a vibration machine with two unbalance exciters driven by asynchronous electric motors is considered. Numerical simulation methods have been used to analyze the dynamics of the system in the near-resonant frequency range at slowly changing mass and position of the mass center of the technological load on the machine’s working body. The influence of the rate of change in the mass of the technological load on the oscillations of the system and the self-synchronization of unbalance vibration exciters is established. It is established that the fluctuations in the mass of the technological load lead to fluctuations of mutual phase between the vibration exciters’ debalances with the same frequency. In this case, the amplitude of the mutual phase oscillations increases with increasing amplitude of the mass oscillations, practically does not change with a change in their frequency, and significantly increases as one approaches the resonant frequency.KeywordsOscillationResonanceUnbalance vibration exciterSelf-synchronizationNon-ideal sourceTechnological load

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