
The explanation of the ground state magnetic properties of odd-mass nuclei is very informative in understanding of the complex structure of the deformed nuclei. The ground-state magnetic moments of most of the odd-A deformed nuclei have been measured by various experimental studies and there are numerous studies in the literature. However, many of the theoretical studies on magnetic moments and spin polarization effects affecting them are far from explaining these measured values. In this paper, the magnetic moments and effective spin g factors of 143,145,147Sm isotopes in the lanthanides region of the periodic table were investigated within the framework of the Quasiparticle-Phonon Nuclear Model (QPNM) for the first time. Spin-spin interaction parameters (χ) were determined by comparing theoretical and experimental values of magnetic moments of the related isotopes and it was determined that these interactions were found to have an isovector character (q = -1). It has been observed that the ground-state structures of the studied isotopes are weakly affected by quasiparticlephonon interactions and the contribution of these interactions ( values) to the ground-state wave functions is quite small (around 0.01%). Theoretical explanation of the renormalization of spin gyromagnetic factor is one of the most important problems of nuclear structure physics. The results obtained in this study for the effective spin gyromagnetic factor also agree with the phenological value .

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