
Thermal-stress effects are the major cause of failure in infrared focal-plane arrays detector, during laser irradiation. Based on the established three-dimensional structural model of hybrid indium antimonide infrared focal-plane arrays, the temperature and stress fields of hybrid indium antimonide detectors irradiated by 1.064-μm Gauss pulsed laser are studied, considering the temperature-dependent material parameters. The results indicate that the temperature increase and thermal stress effects are different, in each layer. Especially in indium antimonide chip, which is the uppermost layer of the indium antimonide detector that directly absorbs laser energy, the temperature shows not a smooth decrease as laser intensity from centre to outside, but a concentric-ringed ripple decrease with discontinuous high temperature extremum areas; which induces its own unique stress distributions: during the laser irradiation region, the thermal stress in areas above indium bumps is much lower than that in areas above underfill, but the stress distribution outside the laser irradiation region is exactly the opposite. The temperature and stress distribution in other materials are also different from that in indium antimonide chip. The main reason is that each material has different thermal properties, especially indium bump and underfill, which are alternative distribution in middle layers, have quite different thermal parameters. All these make the temperature and stress distribution in each layer having own characteristics. In addition, the change trend of the maximum temperature and stress in each layer in accordance with the laser pulse number are also studied. The maximum stress as well as temperature always occurs in the indium antimonide chip.

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