
A stabilized higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) based on cubic shape functions is presented to solve the linear wave-structure interaction with the presence of steady or slowly varying velocities. The m-terms which involve second derivatives of local steady flow are difficult to calculate accurately on structure surfaces with large curvatures. They are also not integrable at the sharp corners. A formulation of the boundary value problem in a body-fixed coordinate system is thus adopted, which avoids the calculation of the m-terms. The use of body-fixed coordinate system also avoids the inconsistency in the traditional perturbation method when the second-order slowly varying motions are larger than the first-order motions. A stabilized numerical method based on streamline integration and biased differencing scheme along the streamlines will be presented. An implicit scheme is used for the convective terms in the free surface conditions for the time integration of the free surface conditions. In an implicit scheme, solution of an additional matrix equation is normally required because the convective terms are discretized by using the variables at current time-step rather than that from the previous time steps. A novel method that avoids solving such matrix equation is presented, which reduces the computational efforts significantly in the implicit method. The methodology is applicable on both structured and unstructured meshes. It can also be used in general second-order wave-structure interaction analysis with the presence of steady or slowly varying velocities.

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