
Placement stability is a key goal within child welfare. Unfortunately, placement disruptions are common and result in widespread negative outcomes for youth in care. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine the youth and resource caregiver variables associated with the number of placement changes among 1,624 Canadian youths aged 10–17 years. Data were based on information collected from the youths, resource caregivers, and child welfare practitioners. For the demographic variables, compared to residential placements, parent-model placements (i.e., foster, adoptive, kinship homes) were associated with fewer placement changes. Also, younger age when first placed in care, older current youth age, and a higher number of maltreatment types endorsed by the child welfare practitioner, were associated with a greater number of placement changes. For the youth variables, greater conduct problems, peer problems, and prosocial behaviour, as well as fewer internal assets, were associated with greater placement changes. For the resource caregiver variables, lower placement satisfaction was associated with a greater number of placement changes. These findings not only add a Canadian context to previous literature on the factors associated with the number of placements youth in care experience, but also do so while making use of data from multiple informants, including the youths’ perspectives. Our findings highlight the importance of considering both youth and caregiver factors that are associated with placement changes, which provides insight into possible areas of intervention.

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