
Mycosis fungoides (MF) represents the most common type of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Recognition of MF variants with divergent immunophenotypes is important for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management, as they can be confused with other lymphoma subtypes. We present a case of a 49-year-old male previously diagnosed with a cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder with an unusual NK/T-cell phenotype. He presented with a 10-year history of pelvic girdle rash involving the right hip and upper thigh. The lesions were characterized as atrophic patches concentrated in sun-protected areas and involving 10% of the body surface area. Shave biopsies revealed an atypical epidermotropic infiltrate composed of hyperchromatic small to medium-sized lymphocytes with perinuclear halos and "tagging" along the dermal-epidermal junction. The immunophenotype was unusual in that the neoplastic lymphocytes showed complete loss of pan T-cell antigens along with expression of CD56, cytotoxic markers, and weak CD20. All other B-cell markers were negative. The combination of clinical findings, in addition to the histopathologic and immunophenotypic profile, were diagnostic of null T-cell phenotype MF with aberrant expression of CD56 and CD20. Null T-cell phenotype MF is very uncommon, can be diagnostically challenging, and can mislead the diagnosis of aggressive lymphoma subtypes.

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