
In recent decades it has reached a reasonable agreement among researchers regarding concepts and manifestations associated with mourning (Stroebe et al., 2007). The progress are great from the conceptions of mourning “work” (Freud, 1917), the “phases” (Bowlby, 1980; Kubler Ross, 1984) and the “tasks” of mourning (Worden, 1991). A lot of recent research recognize the mourning as a complex phenomenon that includes biological, psychological, social and spiritual levels (Stroebe et al., 2007).New studies broadened and deepened the theory of stress confrontation present in negative and / or traumatic situations (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) to investigate the cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual process that people of different ages use, belonging to different creeds and cultures to confront various types of losses (Stroebe et al., 2007; Folkman, 2007; Rosemblatt, 2007).One of the main findings of my doctoral thesis research performed with people of different creeds, is referred to the type of death and mourning as factors that influence the confront of the loss (Stroebe et al., 2011), as is the effect of the anticipation that prints the differences in the confront of mourning depending on the type of death, as anticipated or unexpected, sudden and / or tragic (Yoffe, 2012a).


  • In recent decades it has reached a reasonable agreement among researchers regarding concepts and manifestations associated with mourning

  • The progress are great from the conceptions

  • A lot of recent research recognize the mourning as a complex phenomenon

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Laura Yoffe*

Resumen En las últimas décadas se ha alcanzado un acuerdo razonable entre los investigadores con respecto a conceptos y manifestaciones asociadas al duelo (Stroebe et al, 2007). Los nuevos estudios ampliaron y profundizaron la teoría del afrontamiento del estrés presente en situaciones negativas y/o traumáticas (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) al investigar los procesos cognitivos, emocionales, sociales y espirituales que utilizan personas de distintas edades, pertenecientes a distintos credos y culturas para enfrentar diversos tipos de pérdidas (Stroebe et al, 2007; Folkman, 2007; Rosemblatt, 2007). Uno de los hallazgos principales de mi investigación de Tesis Doctoral realizada con sujetos de distintos credos, es el referido al tipo de muerte y duelo como factores que condicionan el afrontamiento de la pérdida (Stroebe et al, 2011); ya que es el efecto de la anticipación el que imprime diferencias en el afrontamiento del duelo en función del tipo de muerte, en tanto anticipada o inesperada, repentina y/o trágica (Yoffe,2012a).

El duelo por la pérdida de un ser querido
Recuperación o resolución del duelo
Factores protectores y de riesgo en la salida del duelo
Duelo y tipo de vínculo Pérdida de los progenitores
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