
The PCR product amplified from Rickettsia japonica with the primer pair Rr 190.70p and Rr 190.602n of R. rickettsii 190-kDa antigen gene was cloned into M13mp19 RF DNA at the Eco RI site and sequenced by chemiluminescent DNA sequencing. The sequence revealed a molecular size of 533 base pairs (bp). The primer-flanking region of 491 bp, an open reading frame, was compared with the corresponding region of R. rickettsii, demonstrating 35 nucleotide substitutions in R. japonica. The sequence of primer portions in R. japonica DNA was also analyzed, revealing one nucleotide substitution in the Rr 190.70p and two in the Rr 190.602n portion. The homology in the overall sequence of PCR-amplified regions between R. japonica and R. rickettsii was 93% in nucleotide and 85% in putative amino acid structure. The sequence contains no cleavage site for the restriction endonuclease AfaI but two PstI sites giving three fragments of 121, 159, and 253 bp, which differentiated R. japonica from other spotted fever group rickettsiae in addition to R. rickettsii. The cleavage sites for endonucleases AluI, HinfI, and MunI that disappeared or appeared in the sequence by nucleotide substitution differentiated R. japonica from others, as did PstI. The estimation of molecular size of DNA fragments on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is discussed.

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