
Genetic analysis of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 defective in gene 35 shows that the gene 35 product (G35P) is essential for SPP1 growth. The defect in growth of SPP1tsl17 and SPP1tsl20F at nonpermissive temperature is overcome by wild-type gene 35 expressed from a plasmid The region where gene 35 maps was cloned and sequenced. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence (5884-bp) around gene 35 revealed 13 open reading frames (orfs). We have assigned the term gene to three of these orfs; gene 35, gene 36, the product of which shares homology with SSB proteins, and gene 38, given the gene order orf 34-orf 34.1-orf 34.2-orf34.3-orf34.4-gene 35-gene 36-orf 36.1-orf 37-orf 37.1-orf 37.2-orf 37.3-gene 38. Gene 35 encodes a protein of 32.0 kDa. By using the T7 promoter-expression system for gene 35 a radioactive band of the expected molecular mass was detected.

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