
Introduction: CircRNA-protein binding plays a critical role in complex biological activity and disease. Various deep learning-based algorithms have been proposed to identify CircRNA-protein binding sites. These methods predict whether the CircRNA sequence includes protein binding sites from the sequence level, and primarily concentrate on analysing the sequence specificity of CircRNA-protein binding. For model performance, these methods are unsatisfactory in accurately predicting motif sites that have special functions in gene expression. Methods: In this study, based on the deep learning models that implement pixel-level binary classification prediction in computer vision, we viewed the CircRNA-protein binding sites prediction as a nucleotide-level binary classification task, and use a fully convolutional neural networks to identify CircRNA-protein binding motif sites (CPBFCN). Results: CPBFCN provides a new path to predict CircRNA motifs. Based on the MEME tool, the existing CircRNA-related and protein-related database, we analysed the motif functions discovered by CPBFCN. We also investigated the correlation between CircRNA sponge and motif distribution. Furthermore, by comparing the motif distribution with different input sequence lengths, we found that some motifs in the flanking sequences of CircRNA-protein binding region may contribute to CircRNA-protein binding. Conclusion: This study contributes to identify circRNA-protein binding and provides help in understanding the role of circRNA-protein binding in gene expression regulation.

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