
Nucleoside and nucleobase transport and metabolism were measured in ATP-depleted and normal Aedes albopictus mosquito cells (line C-7-10) by rapid kinetic techniques. The cells possess a facilitated diffusion system for nucleosides, which in its broad substrate specificity and kinetic properties resembles that present in many types of mammalian cells. The Michaelis-Menten constant for uridine transport at 28°C is about 180 μM. However, the nucleoside transporter of the mosquito cells is resistant to inhibition by nmolar concentrations of nitrobenzylthioinosine and the cells lack high affinity nitrobenzylthioinosine binding sites. The cells also possess an adenine transporter, which is distinct from the nucleoside transporter. They lack, however, a hypoxanthine transport system and are deficient in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity, which explains their failure to efficiently salvage hypoxanthine from the medium. The cells possess uridine and thymidine phosphorylase activities and, in contrast to cultured mammalian cells, efficiently convert uracil to nucleotides. An adenosine-resistant variant (CAE-3-6) of the C-7-10 cell line is devoid of significant nucleoside transport activity but transports adenine normally. Residual entry of various nucleosides into these cells and of hypoxanthine and cytosine into wild type and mutant cells is strictly non-mediated. The rate of permeation of various nucleosides and of hypoxanthine into the CAE-3-6 cells is related to their hydrophobicity. Uridine permeation into CAE-3-6 cells exhibits an activation energy of about 20 kcal/mol. At high uridine concentrations permeation is sufficiently rapid to partly overcome the limitation in nucleoside salvage imposed by the nucleoside transport defect in these cells.

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