
Various opportunities to investigate the short-range $\mathrm{NN}$ wave function are discussed, having in mind, in particular, the quark degrees of freedom. It is shown that hard bremsstrahlung in the process $p\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{p}\mathrm{pp}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ at proton beam energies of 350--500 MeV discriminates efficiently $\mathrm{pp}$-wave functions with the short-range nodes in S and P waves that correspond to the Moscow potential of the $\mathrm{NN}$ interaction and wave functions obtained with repulsive core mesonic potentials. In the regions of maximal photon energies in the c.m. system (it means forward and backward photon emission angles in the laboratory frame) the $p\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{p}\mathrm{pp}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ cross section calculated with the Moscow potential has maxima which are 3--5 times larger in comparison to that for repulsive core mesonic potentials. The analyzing power ${A}_{y}$ is calculated too, but it is not very sensitive to the kind of $\mathrm{NN}$ potential used. The coordinate representation formalism of the bremsstrahlung theory is exposed.

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