
The crystal structure and composition of nuclei for graphite spheroids in a ductile cast iron containing small amounts of magnesium and traces of aluminium have been studied in a transmission electron microscope equipped with EDX and parallel electron energy loss spectrometer and in an electron microprobe analyser. The particles were identified as Al–Mg–Si nitrides, having a trigonal superlattice crystal structure derived from a hexagonal AlN type fundamental cell. The superlattice can be indexed according to a hexagonal Bravais lattice, with parameters a=0.544 nm and c=0.482 nm. The parameters of the fundamental cell are af=0.314 nm and cf=0.482 nm, deviating only 1–3% from the parameters of hexagonal AlN. Based on the compositional analysis, the chemical formula of the nitride particles is suggested to be AlMg2.5Si2.5N6.

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