
The application of the Skyrme model to the construction of interaction and current operators for nuclear systems is reviewed. The long-range behaviors of these operators are found to agree with results of phenomenological meson theories based on effective chiral Lagrangians. The Skyrme model thus provides a compact method for obtaining long-range parts of such operators, consistent with the usual soft-pion theorems as well as with the requirement of current conservation. Predictions of the short-range parts of the operators remain uncertain due to difficulties in solving the equations of motion for the two-nucleon problem. The usual factorized ansatz for the soliton field of the two-nucleon system does not give sufficient accuracy at short range. The possibility of an improvement which would allow the construction of spin and isospin operators for the individual nucleons is discussed. Finally, the Skyrme model is discussed in the limit of large baryon number.

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