
We report experimental results on the low-temperature uptake of HCl on H(2)O ice (ice). HCl was deposited on the surface at greater than monolayer amounts at 85 K, and the ice substrate was heated. The temperature dependence of the HCl vapor pressure from this phase was measured from 110 to 150 K, with the nucleation of a bulk hydrate phase observed at 150 K. Measurements were conducted in a closed system by simultaneous application of gas phase mass spectrometry and surface spectroscopy to characterize vapor/solid equilibrium and the nucleation of bulk hydrate phases. Combining the nucleation data reported here with data we reported previously (180 to 200 K) and data from two other laboratories (165 and 170 K), the thermodynamic boundaries for the nucleation of both the metastable bulk solution and bulk hydrate phases subsequent to monolayer adsorption of HCl have been determined. The nucleation of the metastable bulk solution phase occurs promptly at monolayer coverage at the ice/liquid coexistence boundary on the binary bulk phase diagram. The nucleation of the bulk hexahydrate occurs from this metastable solution along a locus of points defining a state of constant solution free energy. This measured free energy is -51.2 +/- 0.9 kJ/mol. Finally, the temperature dependence of the HCl vapor pressure from the low-temperature phase is reported here for the first time and is consistent with that of the metastable solution predicted by this thermodynamic model of uptake, extending the range of validity of this model of adsorption followed by bulk solution and hydrate nucleation to a lower bound in temperature of 110 K.

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