
We have measured the solubility, and the rates of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation on sickle hemoglobin (HbSβ6 Glu→Val) additionally modified by site-directed mutagenesis to possess Ala rather than Leu at β88, which forms part of the receptor site for β6 Val in the sickle polymer. The solubility of the hemoglobin is increased at all temperatures, and is about 29 g/dl at 25°C. Polymerization kinetics, induced by laser photolysis and observed by light-scattering intensity, showed exponential growth with rates about 300 times slower than experiments done on similar concentrations of HbS. When polymerization is carried out in small volumes, the time of measurable light-scattering signal to reach one-tenth of its final value (denoted as the tenth time) showed stochastic fluctuations, as is seen in pure HbS. Homogeneous nucleation rates were measured by observing distributions of tenth times and these rates were slowed by the mutation by almost 1000-fold relative to pure HbS. The kinetics, including the exponential progress curves and shape of the tenth time distributions, are well described by the double nucleation mechanism for polymerization. Analysis of the homogeneous nucleation rates leads to the surprising conclusion that the mutation has scarcely changed the energy of the intermolecular contacts despite the increase in solubility of the double mutant. This conclusion is supported by the stereochemistry of the modified contact site, in which the amount of exposed hydrophobic surface appears to be unchanged by the mutation. The increased solubility must therefore result from decreased motional freedom of molecules within the polymer, which could arise from tighter packing into the enlarged receptor pocket. This points up the ability of kinetic analysis to reveal important thermodynamic properties of assembly, and underlines the importance of the vibrational degrees of freedom in setting the final equilibrium constant. Chemical modifications to restrict vibrations and enhance the cost of polymerization may prove useful in constructing compounds to act as inhibitors of sickle cell gelation.

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