
Nuclear track radiography was applied to identify aerosol “hot” particles which contain elements of nuclear fuel and fallout after Chernobyl NPP accident. For the determination of the content of transuranium elements in radioactive aerosols the measurement of the α-activity of “hot” particles by SSNTD was used in this work, as well as radiography of fission fragments formed as a result of the reactions (n,f) and (γ,f) in the irradiation of aerosol filters by thermal neutrons and high energy gamma quanta. The technique allowed the sizes and alpha-activity of “hot” particles to be determined without extracting them from the filter, as well as the determination of the uranium content and its enrichment by 235U, 239Pu and 241Pu isotopes. Sensitivity of determination of alpha activity by fission method is 5×10 −6 Bq per particle. The software for the system of image analysis was created. It ensured the identification of track clusters on an optical image of the SSNTD surface obtained through a video camera and the determination of size and activity of “hot” particles.

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