
The nuclear structure of the A=31 and A=47 mirror couples produced by two fusion evaporation reactions has been elaborated, utilizing the Doppler-shift attenuation method. Excited states in 31P and 31S were populated using the 1p and 1n exit channels, respectively, of the reaction 20Ne + 12C, while in 47Cr and 47V couple excited states were populated based on 28Si + 28Si reaction, as products of 2αn and 2αp exit channels. The A=31 mirror couple was studied utilizing Piave-Alpi accelerator of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro with GASP multidetector array and for A=47 one - with the EUROBALL array using XTU Tandem also in Legnaro. In both cases the lifetime measurements in mirror couples at the same experiment open possibilities for investigations of isospin symmetry. Determined B(E1) strengths in the mirror nuclei 31P and 31S allow to extract the isoscalar component, which can reach up to 24% of the isovector one. The B(E1) values can be modeled by the Equation of motion method. In the case of A=47 mirror couple, the quadrupole moments can be described by shell-model calculations.

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