
Experimental nuclear spectroscopic data are compiled and evaluated for 17 known nuclides of mass 167 (Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt), 23 years after the previous full evaluation by 2000Ba65. Detailed information is presented for each reaction and decay experiment. Combining all the available data, recommended values are provided for energies, spins and parities, and half-lives of levels, with energies, branching ratios and multipolarities of γ radiations, and characteristics of β and α radiations in radioactive decays. The α decays of A=171 nuclei to A=167 daughters are included in this work, while for α decays of A=167 nuclei to A=163 daughters, consult Nuclear Data Sheets (2010Re03) or the ENSDF database for A=163. 167Er, 167Tm, 167Yb, 167Lu and 167Ta are among the most extensively studied nuclides via decay and high-spin gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements, followed by 167Ho, 167Hf, 167W, and 167Os. Information for excited states in 167Dy, 167Re, and 167Ir are limited; no excited states have yet been identified in 167Sm, 167Eu, 167Gd, 167Tb and 167Pt, with the ground-state half-life of 167Sm remaining unknown. This work supersedes the earlier evaluation of A=167 nuclei by 2000Ba65.

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