
We present multi-colour (U, V and I) photometry obtained with the second Wide Field and Planetary Camera (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and spectra taken with the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) and the HST Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS), for the early-type galaxies NGC 4342 and NGC 4570. These galaxies are intermediate between ellipticals and lenticulars, and they both have a small nuclear stellar disc in addition to their main outer disc. Colour images reveal no colour differences between the nuclear discs and the bulges. Comparison of the U-V and V-I colours with stellar population models indicates that the central regions of both galaxies are of intermediate age (approx. 8 Gyr) and of high metallicity. The long-slit WHT spectra and the FOS spectra (of four times higher spatial resolution) reveal that both galaxies are rapidly rotating, and they both have velocity dispersions that increase strongly towards the centre. The FOS spectra of NGC 4342 indicate a central velocity dispersion of 420 km/s, higher than the 320 km/s measured from the WHT spectra. Also, the nuclear rotation gradient measured with the FOS is steeper than that measured with the WHT; it reaches V = 200 km/s at 0.25''. The rapid stellar motions seen in the centre of NGC 4342 suggest a large central mass concentration, possibly a massive black hole. The kinematics of the more massive NGC 4570 are less spectacular, with a central velocity dispersion of 250 km/s and a central rotation curve that reaches only 60 km/s at 0.25''.

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