
A setup for sensitive hydrogen analysis with the H( 15 N, αγ) 12 C reaction has been developed. The detector for the reaction γ-rays is a bore-hole BGO scintillation counter with an efficiency of 27%. The natural-radiation background count rate is reduced by lead and anticoincidence shielding to 25 counts/h. This detector system is used in combination with a specially designed UHV chamber which enables measurements under vacuum in the 10 −10 mbar region. Various kinds of background arising from interaction of the ion beam with parts of the beam line and with contaminations on the sample surface (H, D, C) as well as possibilities for background quantification and reduction have been investigated for 15N ion energies up to 12 MeV. Profiling examples demonstrating a detection sensitivity of better than 10 at.ppm are presented.

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