
Dicentric chromosomes undergo breakage during mitosis as a result of the attachment of two centromeres on one sister chromatid to opposite spindle poles. Studies utilizing a conditional dicentric chromosome III in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have shown that dicentric chromosome repair occurs primarily by deletion of one centromere via a RAD52-dependent recombination pathway. We report that dicentric chromosome resolution requires RAD1, a gene involved in the single-strand annealing DNA repair pathway. We additionally show that single-strand annealing repair of a dicentric chromosome can occur in the absence of RAD52. RAD52-independent repair requires the adaptation-defective cdc5-ad allele of the yeast polo kinase and the DNA damage checkpoint gene RAD9. Dicentric chromosome breakage in cdc5-ad rad52 mutant cells is associated with a prolonged mitotic arrest, during which nuclei undergo microtubule-dependent oscillations, accompanied by dynamic changes in nuclear morphology. We further demonstrate that the frequency of spontaneous direct repeat recombination is suppressed in yeast cells treated with benomyl, a drug that perturbs microtubules. Our findings indicate that microtubule-dependent processes facilitate recombination.

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