
The decay schemes of the two $^{182}\mathrm{Re}$ isomers (64 h and 13 h) have been studied mainly with the nuclear orientation technique. New information, especially on the high-spin states of $^{182}\mathrm{W}$, populated in the decay of the 64-h $^{182}\mathrm{Re}$ isomer, has been obtained. Many spin assignments of $^{182}\mathrm{W}$ levels have either been verified or made. Above 1500 keV spins of 14 levels have been derived uniquely or with a high level of confidence. The 64 h(${7}^{+}$) and 13 h(${2}^{+}$) isomers of $^{182}\mathrm{Re}$ are described in terms of the coupling of the Nilsson states 5/${2}^{+}$[402] and 9/${2}^{+}$[624] for the odd proton and odd neutron. The experimental absolute values of their nuclear moments $\ensuremath{\mu}({7}^{+})=2.79\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.06{\ensuremath{\mu}}_{N}$ and $\ensuremath{\mu}({2}^{+})=3.11\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.33{\ensuremath{\mu}}_{N}$ are well understood on the basis of this coupling.RADIOACTIVITY $^{182}\mathrm{Re}$ (64 h and 13 h isomers); measured ${I}_{\ensuremath{\gamma}}$ ($\ensuremath{\theta}$) oriented nuclei; $\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coin. $^{182}\mathrm{W}$ deduced ${J}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}$, mixing ratios; 2-qp assignments; $^{182}\mathrm{Re}$ deduced magnetic moments; Nilsson assignments.

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