
J.B. Elliott, L. Phair, G.J. Wozniak “Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 Reducibility (stochasticity in multiplicity distributions) and thermal scaling (one frag- ment emission probabilities are Boltsmann factors) are empirical features of nuclear mul- tifragmentation shared by the Fisher Droplet Model and by percolation. A new scaling feature (l/Z scaling) of the mz parameter of the binomial distribution shows that the fragmentation space is uniformly explored and leads to a determination of the source size. 1. INTRODUCTION The Fisher Droplet Model (FDM) [l] and p ercolation models [2] have been employed in attempts to understand multifragmentation. The FDM enjoyed early success in predicting power-law distributions in fragment masses at the critical point in a liquid-vapor diagram [3]. Percolation models also predicted a power-law distribution in fragment sizes near the critical point [4]. Both models still enjoy great popularity and have been employed in the analysis of Au multifragmentation data obtained by the EOS Collaboration [5-91. Extensive analyses of nuclear multifragmentation data have shown two empirical prop- erties of the fragment multiplicities which have been named reducibility and thermal scal- ing [lo-121. Reducibility refers to the observation that for each energy bin, E, the fragment multiplicities, n, are distributed according to a binomial or Poissonian law. As such, their multiplicity distributions, P,,, can be reduced to a one-fragment production probability p, according to the binomial or Poissonian law: where m is the total number of trials in the binomial distribution. The experimental ob- servation that P,, could be constructed in terms of p was considered evidence for stochastic fragment production, i.e. fragments are produced independently of each other. Thermal scaling refers to the feature that p behaves with temperature T as a Boltzmann factor: p o( exp(-B/T). Th us a plot of lnp vs. l/T, an Arrhenius plot, should be linear if p is a Boltzmann factor. The slope B is the one-fragment production barrier. Analyses of multifragmentation distributions along these lines have demonstrated the presence of these features [lo] and have led to the extraction of barriers [ll]. Is it possible to understand the success of these different models and are they both consistent with the empirical findings of reducibility and thermal scaling? 037.S9474/01/S - see front matter 0 2001 Elsevier Science

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