
We have developed an algorithm based upon pseudospectral (PS) ab initio electronic structure methods for evaluating nuclear magnetic shielding constants using gauge-including atomic orbitals (GIAOs) in the spin-restricted and spin-unrestricted formalisms of Hartree-Fock (HF) theory and density-functional theory (DFT). The nuclear magnetic shielding constants for both 1H and 13C calculated using PS methodology for 21 small molecules have absolute mean errors of less than 0.3 ppm in comparison with analytic integral results. CPU timing comparisons between PS methods and conventional methods carried out for seven large molecules ranging from 510 to 1285 basis functions demonstrate that the PS methods are an order of magnitude more efficient than the conventional methods. PS-HF was between 9 and 26 times faster than conventional integral technology, and PS-DFT (Becke three-parameter Lee-Yang-Parr) was between 6 and 21 times faster.

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