
The amount of DNA in the unreplicated haploid nuclear genome (its C -value) varies over 600-fold between angiosperm species. Information regarding this character is used in a strikingly wide variety of plant biological fields. Moreover, recent studies have noted a significant need for more information about this important aspect of genome biodiversity. Bennett and co-authors have published four collected lists of nuclear DNA amounts in angiosperm species, compiled primarily for reference purposes, including the most recent in 1995 ( Annals of Botany76 : 113–176). Together they list estimates for over 2500 species which represent about 1% of the global angiosperm flora. Interest in angiosperm genome size has remained high, as shown by the recent publication of many new estimates, creating a need for a fifth compilation. This paper presents a supplementary list of nuclear DNA C -values from 37 sources for 471 angiosperm species not listed in the aforementioned compilations, plus additional estimates for 113 species already listed by them. It contains estimates for palm, orchid and tropical hardwood species which significantly improves representation of the global flora. Work is in hand to combine the genome size data compiled in this and the aforementioned papers into a unified database, and to present the information in separate lists, with species in alphabetical and systematic orders, respectively. Meanwhile, the availability of DNA C -values for angiosperm species can be checked on the World Wide Web (http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/cval/database1.html).

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