
Abstracts:Nuclear structure data pertaining to all nuclei with mass number A=81 have been compiled and evaluated and incorporated into the ENSDF date file. General Policies and Organization of Material:See the January issue of Nuclear Data Sheets. General Comments:This publication for A=81 supersedes the previous (full) publication (J. Müller, Nuclear Data Sheets 46,487 (1985)) and the subsequent update (C. Baglin, Nuclear Data Sheets 69,267 (1993)), and includes all literature available prior to November 1, 1996. Cutoff Date:All data available prior to November 1, 1996 have been evaluated. Acknowledgments:The author is indebeted to H. Schnare for making data available at very short notice prior to publication. The advice and assistance received from B. Singh (McMaster University), who prepared the superdeformed band data for 81Sr and who reviewed the material added to the A=81 chain since its 1993 revision, are also gratefully acknowledged. Throughout this evaluation, the adopted energy for a level seen only in reactions in which no γ rays were observed has been obtained from a weighted average of all data which can reasonably be associated with that level alone, unless noted otherwise. Uncertainties in absolute γ-ray intensities are calculated using the method of Browne (86Br21).

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