
Abstract:The experimental nuclear spectroscopic data for known nuclides of mass number 77 (Nl, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y) have been evaluated and presented together with adopted properties for levels and γ rays. New high-spin data are available for77As,77Se,77Br,77Kr,77Rb and77Sr. No significant new data (since the 1989 Nuclear Data Sheets for A=77) have been reported for77Zn,77Ga, and77Ge. No data are yet available for excited states in77Nl,77Cu and77Y. This work supersedes earlier evaluations (89Fa07,80Si05,73Ur02) of A=77 nuclides.Cutoff Date:Literature available up to July 15, 1997, has been consulted.General Policies and Organization of Material:See the January issue of Nuclear Data Sheets.Acknowledgments:The evaluators are indebted to Prof. Ali Al-Shamlan and Prof. Adnan Al-Ageel for their help and encouragement. We thank A. Kestelman for mending data on77Ge β−decay (52.9 s) prior to publication, K.P. Lieb and A. Jungelaus for sending a preprint of their high-spin study of77Rb, and M.J. Martin for a detailed and constructive review of this evaluation.General Comments:The statistical analysis of γ-ray data and deduced level schemes is carried out through computer codes available at data centers in Berkeley and Brookhaven. The methodology and procedures for some of these codes are described by 86BrZQ and 86Br21. A general 3% uncertainty is assumed in quoted theoretical internal conversion coefficients taken mainly from 68Ha53.

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