
Spectroscopic data and level schemes from radioactive decay and nuclear reaction studies are presented here for all nuclei with mass number A=235.The highlight of this evaluation consists of the precise and comprehensive Coulomb excitation study (2012Wa35) on 235U, which in addition to the 7/2[743] ground state rotational band, extended the 1/2[631], 5/2[622], 5/2[752], and 3/2[631] rotational bands up to Jπ=53/2+, 49/2+, 441/2−, and 43/2+, respectively.This evaluation presents a study (2010Hu02) of the 237Np(116Sn, 118Snγ) reaction where the ground state rotational band 5/2[642] was observed up to Jπ=(53/2+).It is worth for historical knowledge to mention the report on the “Discovery of isotopes of the transuranium elements with 93≤Z≤98” (2013Fr02), where the information for elements Np, Pu, and Am with mass number A=235 is given. 235Cf has not been observed.The alpha hindrance factors (HF) presented in this evaluation were calculated using values of the radius parameter (r0) interpolated from those for even–even adjacent nuclei given by 1998Ak04.

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