
Evaluated nuclear structure and decay data for all nuclides with mass number A=183 (Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb) are presented here. At, Po and Fr have not yet been observed, but for prediction of ground state and/or isomer properties see, e.g., 2015Bh08 (At, Fr), 2013Ba41 (Tl), 2013Ho05 (Po). This evaluation includes structure and decay data information available by 15 April 2015 and supersedes that by R.B. Firestone published in Nuclear Data Sheets65, 589 (1992) (literature cutoff 9 January 1991), and subsequent revisions by C.M. Baglin for 183Au in ENSDF database (literature cutoff 13 March 1999), 183Hg in Nuclear Data Sheets91, 117 (2000) (literature cutoff 25 September 2000), 183Tl in Nuclear Data Sheets95, 49 (2002) (literature cutoff 1 January 2002) and 183Pb in ENSDF (literature cutoff 6 January 2003).Since the prior Nuclear Data Sheets publication of this mass chain: 183Yb (2012Ku26) and 183Pb (2006An11, 2006Se18, 2007De09, 2009Se13) have been observed; our knowledge of high–spin states has been significantly expanded for 183Ta (2009Sh17), 183W (1999Sa60), 183Re (1998Ha51, 2001Sh41), 183Au (2002Jo18, 2005So01) and 183Tl (2001Mu26, 2004Ra28); a large amount of new structure information for 183W has been obtained from transfer reactions (1997Pr02, 2011Bo09), (n,n'γ) (1993Pr09) and thermal neutron capture (1993Pr09, 1997Pr02, 2011Bo09, 2014Hu02), as well as from the two–photon cascade study by 2005Su29.

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