
Nuclear spectroscopic information for known nuclides of mass number 182 (Yb,Lu,Hf,Ta,W,Re,Os,Ir,Pt,Au, Hg,Tl,Pb) with Z=70 to 82 and N=112 to 100 have been evaluated and presented together with adopted energies and Jπ of levels in these nuclei. No excited state data are yet available for 182Y and 182Lu, while only limited structure information is available for 182Pb and 182Tl. Rotational band structures are known for 182Hg and 182Au but spin–parity assignments remain largely tentative. The decays of 182Lu, 182Hg, 182Au and 182Tl are not well established. The 182Hf isotope is of geophysical and astrophysical interest.This evaluation supersedes previous full evaluations of A = 182 published by 2010Si13, 1988Fi05 and 1975Sc13, and a selected (mainly high–spin) update of A = 182 published by 1995Si04.Only the Adopted properties of levels and gamma rays are presented in NDS, consult the ENSDF database at www.nndc.bnl.gov/ensdf/ for details of individual reaction and decay datasets.

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