
Evaluated nuclear structure and decay data are presented for 16 known A=126 nuclides (Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd). The A=126 mass chain was last evaluated by J. Katakura and K. Kitao, which was published in Nuclear Data Sheets 97, 765 (2002) (2002Ka66). In 2015, B. Singh evaluated the data of 126Rh, 126Pd and 126Ag. The current work is an update of these previous evaluations. Experimental data from new publications since 2002Ka66 have been incorporated. Even when no new publications appeared, some previous datasets have been modified for new β-decay Q values and conversion coefficients. Adopted values for levels and gammas are based on data of various decays and reactions. Inconsistencies and discrepancies have been noted.

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