
Recent observations showed that Uromyces koae Arthur in Stevens teliospores did not produce typical basidia or basidio-spores. The present study reveals that teliospores produced long germ tubes that are differentiated into wide proximal and narrow distal portions separated by a vesiclelike swelling. One or two extensive branches, each morphologically resembling the main tube, developed from individual germ tube cells. Nuclear staining revealed a single, presumably diploid nucleus in mature teliospores. One or more probable mitotic divisions in the main germ tube provided a diploid nucleus for each branch and for the main tube itself. Meiotic division of each nucleus produced a series of four smaller nuclei in the narrow portion of each branch and the main tube. The germ tubes may be modified basidia and serve as infectious hyphae in place of basidiospores.A formerly undescribed spore type associated with the teliospores is recognized as uredinial. This investigation shows that the life cycle of U. koae probably consists of four distinct stages, each on Acacia koa: the spermatial associated with the aecial on hypertrophied shoots, and the uredinial and telial together in discrete leaf pustules.

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