
The measured pellet average inventories of actinides and fission product nuclides on the fifteen samples taken from a three-cycle irradiation BWR 8×8-2 UO2 assembly were compared with those of assembly burnup calculations using a collision probability method (SRAC) with the JENDL-3.2 nuclear data library. The present calculations overestimate the inventories of 235U, well reproduce those of 239Pu and 240Pu, yet underestimate those of 236U, 237Nd, 238Pu, 241Pu, and 242Pu. The inventories of minor actinides are underestimated by the present analysis except for 241Am. The major FP nuclides contributing to neutron absorption such as Nd, Cs, Eu, and Sm are almost well reproduced by the present calculations. The measured pellet average burnups and major actinide inventories on the twenty samples taken from four BWR 8×8-4 UO2 assemblies were also compared with those of the burnup calculations using SRAC and a continuous energy Monte Carlo burnup analysis code (MVP-BURN). Most of the calculated pellet average burnups of both codes agree with the measurements within the range of ±10%. The general trends of the measured pellet radial distributions of actinide and FP nuclides on six samples of the 8×8-4 UO2 assemblies were well reproduced by the burnup calculations of MVP-BURN.

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